How Long Does Kidney Transplant Last

How long does kidney transplant last depends on various factors; from the condition of the kidney, to the number of times a transplant is formed. It may also depend on the pateint’s age and his or her health, and the number of years it has been since a transplant. How long does kidney transplant last is subject to various external and internal factors.
The answer to how long does a kidney transplant last is, on average, most kidney transplants last somewhere between 10 and 12 years. There are chances that some transplants may fail shortly after transplant; some may be so successful that the recipient may not need another one for years.

There are many factors that are taken into account on which the longevity of a transplant is dependent on. Firstly we need to understand that the anatomy of each and every person is different; hence each case and transplant is different. Another important factor in how long does kidney transplant last is that it does not last forever. In essence, the average duration of a transplanted kidney is approximately ten years for a kidney from a donor who has died to about 12 years for a donor who is alive and is a relative. For a donor who is alive and not related to the patient, the answer to how long does the transplant last is between 10-12 years.

How long does a kidney transplant last also depends on that once the kidney has been transplanted, subsequently how long will a transplanted kidney is likely to last. To answer this is to look at the chance (in percentage) that the kidney will be working in a set time:

90% that it will be working one year after the operation; that means usually survival chances are excellent in the first year following transplant even though the success chances are more than 90% for both deceased and alive kidney donors, there are some who suffer rejection because the kidney transplant may not suit their internal system. It may also lead to heart failure, or intake of insulin.

60% to 80% chance that it will last five years after the transplant. However, more than 10% percent do contract infections such as urinary tract infections or develop pneumonia or a cardiovascular disease. A large percent also develop diabetes.
However, after ten years or so, the live expectancy of the kidney percentage deteriorates to 50. In spite of the potential health risks, more than 50% of the transplants are successful , and patients live on for many years without kidney failure.

For all patients who undergo a kidney transplant, how long does kidney transplant last has other health consequences, in which case they are vulnerable to cardiovascular disease which becomes the leading cause of deaths. Recipients to transplants become more prone to infections, as well as cancer.

How long does kidney transplant last in patients also depends on the health of all those undergoing the graft. For example, they may already have health issues such as heart related diseases, or diabetes or may be overweight. These issues may co exist at the time of their surgery and may interfere with the performance of how long does the kidney transplant last.