How Long Does It Take To Get A Disability Claim

How long does it take to get a disability claim?

Disability is something which is not to be dealt lightly. There are basically five terms that must be met in order to qualify as a disabled person. How long does it take to get a disability claim, depends on whether a person qualifies with the requirements of all these terms that Social Security Administration determines that person is disabled. The first basis on which it is determined is whether or not the person is working and is able to work with a given amount of income that usually changes from time to time; Secondly, how severe is your condition? The severity of the condition depends on the ability or disability of the person to perform basic activities, like walking, climbing stairs, carrying things, the tolerance of extreme temperatures, noise, level of understanding, concentration, responding etc.

Regarding How long does it take to get a disability claim, the third basis is whether your disability is listed in the list of disabilities given in the by the Social Security Administration directory. The fourth term is whether or not you can do the work that you have been doing previously. If it is made sure that the person is physically as well as mentally unable to accomplish the work that was done by him/her then the final query is brought to question. The final question is whether or not the person is able to do any other type of work. If the person is unable to carry on with the earlier employment the SSA makes sure that the person gets a new job with respect to the medical condition of the person, the experience from the past job, age, and skills no matter How long does it take to get a disability claim.

After a person has met all the five requirements of the Social Security Administration then the process moves forward. However to establish the disability it takes a considerable amount of time at every stage. The first decision of SSA is made in 4 to 5 months. After the completion of the forms of the first appeal it takes a good whole 18 months for the hearing to take place as long does it take to get a disability claim. By means of rule, disability expenses start six months subsequent to the Social Security Administration approval of a person’s disability.

The reason for which a disability is recognized is because of the benefits that come along with it as soon as a person becomes disabled so long does it take to get disability claim. The whole process can also be dealt online however the calls and visits to the SSA office have to be made eventually. The benefits of disability are usually received as long as a person remains disabled and the benefits from the SSA as long as the means tests are met. However the changes in your income as well as the change in calculation of disability benefit formula no matter how long does it take to get disability claim.